A Well-oiled Machine: Training Guide part 3
Articles, Injury Prevention, Nutrition/Diet, Recovery & Rehab, TrainingYou're a running machine. Consequently, you need to be caring for that machine in a few key, fundamental ways: fuel, rest, and hydration. ...

Becoming a Stronger Animal: Training Guide part 2
Articles, Injury Prevention, Recovery & Rehab, TrainingEvery runner looking to thrive in the sport needs to be a strong animal. You will feel better, run faster, stay healthier, and ultimately find greater fulfillment and joy in the sport if you do. ...

Raise the Roof: Training Guide part 1, Aerobic Fitness
Articles, Recovery & Rehab, TrainingThe importance of effective aerobic conditioning simply cannot be overstated. Raising aerobic fitness is the key to raising the fitness ceiling. Even so, it is inglorious and unattractive and takes time. ...

Getting more from your races
Articles, Community, RacingRacing is probably the most curious thing about running. From absurd event ideas to barely-sane race-day rituals, runners jump through all manner of hoops in the name of racing. ... (read more on the blog)

Fitness: A Family Event
Articles, Community, Family, Recovery & Rehab, TrainingTraining doesn’t have to take away from family life! As promised in our previous post, this article will outline some very practical ways that we balance life and fitness with small children. ... (keep reading on the blog)

The Balance: Life & Fitness
Articles, Community, Family, Mindset, TrainingNo matter who you are or why you're busy, you’re not alone if you struggle to fit in fitness. Balance is hard work. ...

Finding and Building Community
Articles, Community, Mindset, RacingWho is part of the running community? Sure, it’s the runners themselves, but it’s also more. So much more! ...

The Rule for Recovery (and the LPGA 5k recap!)
Articles, Racing, Recovery & Rehab, TrainingAdmittedly, the first thing I think when someone says “I’m training for a marathon but want to jump in this 5k. What should I do to prepare?” is not helpful. Because my first thought is: DON’T.

Running in Rhythm
Articles, Mindset, Recovery & Rehab, TrainingAs I age in the sport of running, one of the more important developments for my training has become the sense of rhythm I feel while running...

Running in the Raw: The Truth about Running
Articles, Community, MindsetI love coffee. I love chocolate. I love running. In these and anything else we love, there is tension. We all learn at some point too much of a good thing...