Shoe Drop, Overuse Injury, & Marathon Builds| Podcast ep191
Articles, Community, Injury Prevention, Mindset, Nutrition/Diet, Podcast, TrainingRunners get their questions answered about shoe drop, overuse injury, & marathon builds and more! Tune in for this week's Q & A episode! We also recap the Bayshore Marathon.

Maintenance, Shorts, and Marathon Speed | Podcast ep187
Articles, Community, Injury Prevention, Mindset, Nutrition/Diet, Podcast, TrainingRunners get their questions answered about maintenance, shorts, and marathon speed. Tune in for this week's Q & A episode!

HR Data, Pacing Charts, & Nagging Injuries | Podcast ep182
Articles, Community, Injury Prevention, Mindset, Nutrition/Diet, Podcast, TrainingRunners get their questions answered about HR data, pacing charts, & nagging injuries. Tune in for this week's Q & A episode!

Make up Miles, Baking Soda, and Swimming | Podcast ep178
Articles, Community, Injury Prevention, Mindset, Nutrition/Diet, Podcast, TrainingRunners get their questions answered about make up miles, baking soda, and swimming. Tune in for this week's Q & A episode!

Focus Techniques, Treadmill Problems, and GPS | Podcast ep74
Articles, Community, Injury Prevention, Mindset, Nutrition/Diet, Podcast, TrainingRunners get their questions answered about focus techniques, treadmill problems, and GPS. Tune in for this week's Q & A episode!

Listen to Your Body and Control Your Inner Dialogue | Podcast ep173
Articles, Mindset, Podcast, Racing, TrainingThis week Andi and Zach discuss how to listen to your body and control your inner dialogue as a runner.

Challenges Vs. Threats | Podcast ep172
Articles, Mindset, Podcast, Racing, TrainingThis week Andi and Zach discuss how we respond to challenges vs. threats and how we can prime our minds to make good decisions in running.

Am I Tough Enough? | Podcast ep171
Articles, Community, Mindset, Nutrition/Diet, PodcastThis week Andi and Zach discuss toughness and how many traditional outlooks may stand in our way of true toughness in running.

How to Follow Through | Podcast ep170
Articles, Community, Mindset, Nutrition/Diet, PodcastThis week Andi and Zach discuss how to follow-through with goals by using the four disciplines of execution
After that, world of running updates about a world record scare, best of 2022, and more.

Race Distance, Down Weeks, and Trail Running | Podcast ep169
Articles, Community, Mindset, Nutrition/Diet, PodcastRunners get their questions answered about race distance, down weeks, and trail running. Tune in for this week's Q & A episode!