Shoe Drop, Overuse Injury, & Marathon Builds| Podcast ep191
Articles, Community, Injury Prevention, Mindset, Nutrition/Diet, Podcast, TrainingRunners get their questions answered about shoe drop, overuse injury, & marathon builds and more! Tune in for this week's Q & A episode! We also recap the Bayshore Marathon.

Maintenance, Shorts, and Marathon Speed | Podcast ep187
Articles, Community, Injury Prevention, Mindset, Nutrition/Diet, Podcast, TrainingRunners get their questions answered about maintenance, shorts, and marathon speed. Tune in for this week's Q & A episode!

HR Data, Pacing Charts, & Nagging Injuries | Podcast ep182
Articles, Community, Injury Prevention, Mindset, Nutrition/Diet, Podcast, TrainingRunners get their questions answered about HR data, pacing charts, & nagging injuries. Tune in for this week's Q & A episode!

Make up Miles, Baking Soda, and Swimming | Podcast ep178
Articles, Community, Injury Prevention, Mindset, Nutrition/Diet, Podcast, TrainingRunners get their questions answered about make up miles, baking soda, and swimming. Tune in for this week's Q & A episode!

Focus Techniques, Treadmill Problems, and GPS | Podcast ep74
Articles, Community, Injury Prevention, Mindset, Nutrition/Diet, Podcast, TrainingRunners get their questions answered about focus techniques, treadmill problems, and GPS. Tune in for this week's Q & A episode!

Am I Tough Enough? | Podcast ep171
Articles, Community, Mindset, Nutrition/Diet, PodcastThis week Andi and Zach discuss toughness and how many traditional outlooks may stand in our way of true toughness in running.

How to Follow Through | Podcast ep170
Articles, Community, Mindset, Nutrition/Diet, PodcastThis week Andi and Zach discuss how to follow-through with goals by using the four disciplines of execution
After that, world of running updates about a world record scare, best of 2022, and more.

Race Distance, Down Weeks, and Trail Running | Podcast ep169
Articles, Community, Mindset, Nutrition/Diet, PodcastRunners get their questions answered about race distance, down weeks, and trail running. Tune in for this week's Q & A episode!

Eat that Frog during the Holidays | Podcast ep168
Articles, Community, Mindset, Nutrition/Diet, PodcastThis week on the A to Z Running Podcast, Andi and Zach discuss how the the philosophy of "eat that frog" pertains to runners during holidays.

Intersecting Self-discipline and Agility | Podcast ep167
Articles, Community, Mindset, Nutrition/Diet, PodcastThis week on the A to Z Running Podcast Andi and Zach discuss the importance of both self-discipline and agility.