Aqua Jogging for Runners
Articles, Community, Injury Prevention, Recovery & Rehab, TrainingAqua jogging is an excellent way for runners to maintain fitness coming back from injury. Learn how and why aqua jogging is good for runners.

Dealing with INJURY | Podcast ep 94
Articles, Community, Injury Prevention, Podcast, Recovery & Rehab, TrainingWho avoids injury in running completely? Slim to none. If we all experience injury, we must ask ourselves, "How runners deal with injury well?" This episode of the A to Z Running Podcast we discuss the nuances of training, living, and recovering from injury. Tune in!

What can runners do to PREVENT INJURY? with Adam Homolka | Podcast ep 75
Injury Prevention, Mindset, Podcast, Recovery & RehabPrehab and rehab running expert Adam Homolka helps A & Z tackle the important question, "What can runners do to prevent injury?"

What is ESSENTIAL for healthy feet? with Dr. Bill Johncock | Podcast ep 70
Injury Prevention, Podcast, Recovery & RehabWhat is essential for healthy feet? Sports Podiatrist Dr. Bill Johncock tells A to Z Running what we need to stay healthy as runners!

Gifts for Runners
Articles, Gear, Recovery & Rehab, TrainingGifts that runners want & need! Looking for gifts for runners? Check out these helpful products to help you or a runner-friend thrive!

8 Ideas to Improve Mood Besides Running
Articles, Community, Mindset, Recovery & Rehab, TrainingCheck out these mood boosters to help mental health! Besides running and exercise, there are other things we can do to improve mood.

Lifestyle Hacks for Recovery
Articles, Community, Nutrition/Diet, Recovery & Rehab, TrainingCheck out these lifestyle hacks for recovery! Your running fitness happens during recovery. Add these easy lifestyle changes to your routine.

A Runner’s Guide to Knee Pain
Injury Prevention, Recovery & Rehab, TrainingRunners everywhere experience knee discomfort either from running or while running. What can be done about it? Here are some simple ways to investigate and begin to solve these issues to run pain free.

Rebuilding Momentum with John Cody Risch | Podcast ep 38
Community, Mindset, Podcast, Racing, Recovery & Rehab, TrainingRebuilding momentum not accidental. It is intentional. It is fought for, every inch. Olympic hopeful, John Cody Risch works toward forward motion as he trains and competes at the top level of American Racewalking in hopes of competing for Team USA at the Olympics.

Winning the Uphill Battle with Jake Riley | Podcast ep 33
Mindset, Podcast, Racing, Recovery & Rehab, TrainingWhat can it possibly take to return from injury only to outperform your lifetime bests AND qualify for the Olympic Games? Jake Riley knows.