Some Days are Harder than Others: WHY?
Articles, Injury Prevention, Mindset, Nutrition/Diet, TrainingWhy are some days harder than others? For runners, it's a long list of possible reasons, so we dive into some of the most common and break them down.

Treadmill or Dreadmill? | Podcast ep 17
Injury Prevention, Podcast, TrainingTreadmill or dreadmill? Whether you love or loath stationary running, there are times training on the treadmill can be beneficial.

Race Lingo: 5 Terms & Tips
Articles, Racing, TrainingWhether just starting out or boasting a wall full of bibs, at some point or another we find ourselves confused by certain race lingo!

Raw & Simple: Track & Field w/ Louis Falland | Podcast ep 16
Mindset, Podcast, Racing, TrainingMiler Louis Falland joins to talk about the sport of running. Track and Field is the most raw and simple sport in history. Athletes have elevated humankind to see our species endless potential.

Social Running without Compromising Training Needs
Articles, Community, TrainingSocial running ignites or rekindles running passion in nearly all of us. How do we execute our training plan and stay in community? Check out this article.

Running Under Pressure w/ Parker Stinson | Podcast ep 15
Mindset, Podcast, Racing, TrainingParker Stinson races on the biggest stages of professional running. He joins us sharing his process & perspectives about running under pressure.

West Michigan Running Groups
Articles, Community, TrainingWest Michigan is home to dozens of running groups meeting throughout the week to run all manner of efforts and distances. Take a look at our big list of many of those groups to find a home for your next run!

Thoughtful Training| Podcast ep 14
Podcast, TrainingNerd out with us on the A to Z Running Podcast! This week we discuss different workouts and what they do for the human body. Understanding why we train the way we do helps us to have more thoughtful training.

The Science of the Long Run
Articles, Injury Prevention, Mindset, TrainingWe long run for a simple and scientific reason: effective aerobic development. Read on to get clarity on the science and our approach to maximizing the long run.

Feeling Powerful Again w/ Leah O’Connor | Podcast ep 13
Community, Mindset, Podcast, Racing, Recovery & Rehab, TrainingProfessional athlete, Leah O'Connor shares her story, her process through pain, her driving passion, and her vision for feeling powerful again.