Cycling for Runners with Todd Buckingham | Podcast ep 105
Articles, Injury Prevention, Podcast, Recovery & Rehab, TrainingDo you get on the bike as a runner? Have you ever wondered how? Tune in to learn more about cycling for runners!
Starting from Scratch with Natosha Rogers | Podcast ep 104
Articles, Community, Mindset, Podcast, Recovery & Rehab, TrainingHave you ever found yourself starting from scratch again? Even one of the best runners in the country, Natosha Rogers, has been at the top and had to start all over again after injury. Tune in!
Functional Movement for Runners | Podcast ep 103
Articles, Community, Injury Prevention, Podcast, Recovery & Rehab, TrainingFunctional movement enhances your life by strengthening & activating muscles you use. Functional movement for runners has the same benefits!
Improving Posture for Running | Podcast ep 101
Articles, Community, Injury Prevention, Podcast, Recovery & Rehab, TrainingLearn how to improve running posture and why it's important. We discuss the types of corrective work and running posture tips.
Study of Aqua Jogging | Podcast ep 99
Articles, Community, Injury Prevention, Podcast, Recovery & Rehab, TrainingAqua jogging- you may love it, you may hate, you may know nothing about it. This episode of the A to Z Running Podcast will help you understand the methods, benefits, and limitations of aqua jogging. Tune in!
Aqua Jogging for Runners
Articles, Community, Injury Prevention, Recovery & Rehab, TrainingAqua jogging is an excellent way for runners to maintain fitness coming back from injury. Learn how and why aqua jogging is good for runners.
Dealing with INJURY | Podcast ep 94
Articles, Community, Injury Prevention, Podcast, Recovery & Rehab, TrainingWho avoids injury in running completely? Slim to none. If we all experience injury, we must ask ourselves, "How runners deal with injury well?" This episode of the A to Z Running Podcast we discuss the nuances of training, living, and recovering from injury. Tune in!
Long Run Approaches | Podcast ep 93
Articles, Community, Podcast, TrainingThe run we all do- the long run! Did you know there are long run approaches? Learn which is best at different points in training!
How Champions Race with Hillary Bor | Podcast ep 92
Articles, Mindset, Podcast, Racing, TrainingEver wonder how champions race? We get into the head of 2x Olympian and 2x U.S. Champion Hillary Bor as he shares about racing.
Goal Setting in Running with Alicja Konieczek | Podcast ep 90
Articles, Podcast, Racing, TrainingEven with fire in our belly, it can be hard to name and execute our goals. Goal setting for runners is an important topic. Alicja Konieczek has some great and practical insight for us. Tune in!