The Struggle | Podcast ep 2

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AtoZrunning Podcast- Running Podcast
AtoZrunning at Chicago Marathon

One thing every runner understands is struggle. Having just (both of us) completed the Chicago Marathon, we decided to dive deep into the topic of struggle and our experiences surrounding

  • embracing the struggle and
  • overcoming the struggle.

The World of Running

As always, before discussing our main topic, we shared some of the most recent tidbits dominating the running conversation this week:

Andi Ripley at Chicago Marathon 2019
  • Eliud Kipchoge’s INEOS 1:59 Challenge
  • A whole lot of Chicago Marathon (more on that here)
    • Brigid Kosgei’s new world record
    • Parker Stinson’s impressive 2:10:53
  • ANDI RAN HER FIRST EVER OTQ (Olympic Trials Qualifier)!

Main Topic: The Struggle

Zach Ripley at Chicago Marathon 2019

We break it down like this:

  • embracing the struggle means thriving amidst the pain
  • overcoming the struggle means understanding what you CAN control and learning HOW to control it

To illustrate, we highlight those points with examples and experiences of how struggle in and out of running interrelates. Then we wrap it up with a short list of helpful ways to overcome struggle, like:

  • prioritizing effectively
  • knowing yourself thoroughly
  • and more!

(Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or Spotify!)

2 replies
  1. Dave DeVries
    Dave DeVries says:

    Love it! Your podcasts are great. I really relate to the pain issue as an older, non-lifetime athlete (stuff just hurts more) and have been doing some research into exactly some of the issues y’all talked about in this pod cast. Check out a guy by the name of Lorimer Moseley. He is an Australian researcher who focuses specifically on pain management.

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