Running Foundations: Strengthen the Animal | Podcast ep 40
Mindset, Podcast, TrainingRunners need strength and mobility. We must strengthen the animal to run healthily and reach our potential as runners. Find out how and the details of why we name this as a running foundation.
Running Foundations: Aerobic Condition | Podcast ep 39
Mindset, Podcast, TrainingWhether you've been running a long time or are just getting started, it's important to check for solid foundations. This week we discuss aerobic condition Tune in to hear why it's important.
Rebuilding Momentum with John Cody Risch | Podcast ep 38
Community, Mindset, Podcast, Racing, Recovery & Rehab, TrainingRebuilding momentum not accidental. It is intentional. It is fought for, every inch. Olympic hopeful, John Cody Risch works toward forward motion as he trains and competes at the top level of American Racewalking in hopes of competing for Team USA at the Olympics.
Where Personality and Performance Meet | Podcast ep 37
Community, Mindset, Podcast, Racing, TrainingLet's dive into personality traits of highly successful athletes, specifically runners! Do you share attributes with some of the world's best runners? Find out in episode 37 of the A to Z Running Podcast.
The Language of Running with Obsie Birru | Podcast ep 36
Community, Mindset, Podcast, Racing, TrainingObsie Birru is an elite runner with many accolades and a big heart. Obsie connects well with others through the sport and explains that running is a "language." It is inclusive crossing many barriers. In this episode of the A to Z Running Podcast, Obsie challenges us to examine what we are doing with the gift of running besides achievement.
The Future is Bright. Talem Franco is Proof. | Podcast ep 35
Community, Mindset, Podcast, Racing, TrainingDo you see the glimmer of hope in the future? A to Z Running Podcast guest, Talem Franco astutely reflects that, “The future is as bright as you believe.”
Tune in to hear from this middle distance Olympic hopeful and find motivation to believe great things about your own potential and future.
Sometimes you win. Sometimes you learn. with Samantha Palmer | Podcast ep 34
Community, Mindset, Podcast, Racing, TrainingA burning passion for the sport of running defines Samantha Palmer's motivation as she worked her way to a 2:29 marathon. But some days and races are harder than others. Palmer tells us about her journey of learning as she reaches peaks and wades through valleys just like the rest of us.
Winning the Uphill Battle with Jake Riley | Podcast ep 33
Mindset, Podcast, Racing, Recovery & Rehab, TrainingWhat can it possibly take to return from injury only to outperform your lifetime bests AND qualify for the Olympic Games? Jake Riley knows.
How to Support Mother Runners with Whitney Heins | Podcast ep 32
Community, Family, Mindset, PodcastObstacles in running come in all shapes and sizes, including little pint-sized humans. For all the joy and life they bring, there are also some challenges facing mother runners. Between sleepless nights, recovery from childbirth, the mental weight of care-taking, moms could use some help. How can we support mother runners and help them thrive?
When Persistence Pays Off with Joe Niemiec | Podcast ep 31
Injury Prevention, Podcast, Recovery & Rehab, TrainingWhat if persistence pays off in the end? We must believe that it does. Day after day and mile after mile we grind toward our goals. Joe Niemeic, shares his journey of persistence to realize his dream of both qualifying and competing in the 2020 Olympic Trials Marathon in Atlanta.